In 1888 when he was 35 years old he moved to Arles in southern France.
His paintings represented different aspects of ordinary life of Arles.
Yellow house
Bridge in Arles
The postman
video: Las tres mellizas y Van Gogh
Bedroom in Arles : Van Gogh's Bedroom, or Bedroom in Arles, painting is of a room where one sleeps, and he wanted the painting to put the viewer's mind and imagination at rest. Upon entering the room, there is a bed to the right. Along the wall to the right is a chair, table with water on it, and a window overlooking the street.
El comecocos es uno de los juegos de papel más divertidos .Consiste en crear una figura cónica que tiene pestañas con números o letras y debajo de cada una algo relacionado con el futuro o con lo que queramos.
Necesitamos partir de un hoja cuadrada de papel , e ir doblando las esquinas.