
viernes, 8 de noviembre de 2019

Collage technique

Eric Carle (born June 25, 1929) is an American designer, illustrator, and writer of children's books.
He uses a technique called "impresionist collage". 

Eric Carle uses paper collage to illustrate his books by painting and decorating his own assortment of cut paper.

A book of Eric  Carle

**Activity:We want to make coloured papers, for using in a collage activity


*Materials: White paper sheet, paint brushes, scratching tools, temperas.

      scratching tools

domingo, 3 de noviembre de 2019

A chesnut bag

 **Activity: Using  newspaper we want to make a chesnut bag

 * Materials: newspaper, wool, stickers, scissors , colours and glue

                        newspaper                                                                  wool


domingo, 27 de octubre de 2019

An owl

An owl: a bird that has large eyes and hunts small animals at night

 **Activity: Using higienic paper roll we are making an owl
 * Materials: higienic paper roll, colour papers , ironfish, scissors and glue    

domingo, 20 de octubre de 2019

A collage tree

Arbol realizado con collage por las aulas de 1ºA, 1ºB y 2º A  arts & crafts 

Aula de 2ºA

 Leaves of different colours                                                                          A red leaf

Collage is an artistic technique. It is the result of cut out papers, and glue them to a piece of paper.
**Activity: Using collage technique we are making a leaf 
 * Materials: paper (magazines), scissors and glue     

domingo, 13 de octubre de 2019

Autumn colours

            Arce  rojo  canadiense                                                                       pino  (pine)

 banderillas (small flags)                                          hoja (leaf)

** Activity: We are making small flags with newspaper.
                           Then we Will decorate with leaves of different forms and colours.

*Materials: newspaper, colour  paper sheet , scissors, glue.

domingo, 6 de octubre de 2019

A blue horse

                                                         Eric Carle, artist and writer     
                               ** Activity: After watching the video "The artist who painted a blue horse"
                                    you have to draw a colourful animal. Use "wrong" colours like Eric Carle
                                        and try to be original.                

                              *Materials: paper and colours

A colourful octopus                                                   A blue horse

A purple pig                                                                 A striped  bear